Pick Your Own

Picking your own fruit enables you to select high quality fruit at reasonable prices to make delicious desserts, jams and drinks – or simply to eat straight away with or without cream. You can also freeze the fruit to use over the winter – the fresher it is, the better it freezes.

How PYO Works

The way it works is simple  –  we provide you with a basket and direct you to the best field(s).  You pick your fruit,  then weigh it and pay before you leave.  Simple as that!

You must pay for all that you have picked so please don’t pick more than you want. We now accept credit cards.

The crops are all clearly signposted but the ground is uneven in places so please wear suitable footwear.

We operate a minimum spend of £3.00 per person  on PYO fruit (except for children under 5 years). 


Why Pick-Your-Own?

Quality Control
Avoid store pre-packed fruits where you HAVE to buy the whole carton of berries as-is, even though you can clearly see that some of them have seen better days.  When you pick your own, you can control what you get and choose perfection every time! No more squishy, mouldy or under/overripe fruits to surprise you at the bottom of the container!
Save Money
When you pick your own produce you don’t have to pay the added costs of someone else picking, packaging, shipping and shelving your fruit. You can also be sure of the quality of your fruit – no wastage! And it tastes SO much nicer than the supermarket stuff!
Connect with the Earth
When you’re out fruit picking, every so often just stop picking for a few seconds and enjoy the quietness of the countryside, and the smell of berries in the air. It’s educational and fun for the whole family!
Better Nutrition
A great contributor to “eating a rainbow” of colourful foods! Fruit has more nutrients when you eat them as soon as possible after they’re picked. They also taste so much better when they’re really fresh – so much sweeter and juicier.  You can also freeze your surplus right away to preserve as much of that nutrition as possible—and enjoy the fruit later.
Keeping Small Farms in Business
When you buy food directly from a farmer, you help support his self-owned business. Most of the “fresh” food that people buy from supermarkets is either imported or grown by a handful of very large and powerful corporations that are putting the self-employed farmers out of business one by one. Like any small business, it’s hard to compete with these giants.

Pick your own soft fruits